1.21.13. Change to remain Constant, Control Chaos…Hmmm….

Posted on January 21, 2013


When I looked at the  Worldometers, at approx. 8:47 am Mountain Standard Time, Solar energy striking the Earth today in (MWh), I could only count the 1trillion, 78 billion, 637million as they were the most stationary numbers, the rest of the numbers were moving much faster than I could see them or count them.  A Megawatt Hour is equal to 1,000 Kilowatt hours (Kwh). It is equal to 1,000 kilowatts of electricity used continuously for one hour.

What I love most about  Worldometers is the constant change it shows within the system.


The Constant is significant, but better, the “More Correct ” constant is what becomes most significant. And it only becomes brighter, shinier when we look for the greater possibilities, (the continual changes we make to remain constant), admit we have a limited palette to work from and open our minds to those greater possibilities. Think what might make your day different today, what could you do that would be your “More Correct” constant change, the one thing you would like to repeat again tomorrow and the following day and so on.

Maybe backing into this might be the method:

“I want to feel______________________today, and in order to feel__________________ today, I will ______________ and _____________and_________________and _____________________.

Here is what happened __________________________!!!!!

“In order to remain constant, continually change”

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